Honeywell is a well-known water heater brand that is quite desirable by homeowners for its quality, durability, and energy efficiency. However, like any machine, it may sometimes experience problems, such as the pilot light not lighting. This can be pretty annoying, given how much you rely on your water heater for warm water, and getting no access to it may disrupt your daily schedule. So, here, we will provide some tips for troubleshooting a Honeywell water heater pilot light that won’t light.

Tips to troubleshoot the Honeywell water heater pilot light:

Below are the tips that can help you diagnose and resolve the issue of the Honeywell water heater pilot light not lighting.

  1. Check the igniter button:

Firstly, you may take the cover off to gain access to the glass through which you can view the pilot flame. Then you may slide the temperature knob to the off position. Next, press the igniter button a couple of times and check if the pilot flame lights up. In case you see a flash, this means your igniter works fine and the problem resides in some other component. And if it doesn’t work, then replace the igniter.

  1. Reset the pilot light:

You can reset the pilot light in your Honeywell water heater by striking the thermal switch. It’s a white colored button located on the right side against the sight glass. Make sure to twist the temperature knob towards the pilot and then press the thermal switch. This should help fix your pilot ignition issue.

  1. Check the gas supply:

The first thing to do is to check if the gas supply is on and sufficient. If you have other gas appliances, such as a stove or a furnace, check if they are working correctly. If they are not, the gas supply may be interrupted or insufficient. You can also check the gas meter to see if it is moving or if the pressure is too low.

  1. Inspect the thermopile:

The thermopile generates electricity by converting thermal energy from the pilot flame which powers the gas valve, allowing gas to flow to the burner and heat the water. If the thermopile is dirty, misaligned, or defective, it may not detect the pilot light, and the gas valve will remain closed.

To clean the thermopile, turn off the gas supply, remove the burner assembly, and gently brush it with a soft brush or sandpaper.

Make sure the thermopile is properly aligned with the pilot light and tightened. If the thermopile is still not working, you may need to replace it.

  1. Remove the pilot light/burner assembly:

The pilot light assembly consists of the pilot burner, the pilot tube, and the pilot hood. If any of these components are clogged, damaged, or misaligned, the pilot light may not light or stay lit.

To clean the pilot light assembly, turn off the gas supply, remove all the wires and tubes to pull out the whole assembly, and use a soft brush or compressed air to remove any debris or blockage.

Make sure the pilot hood is not damaged or bent, and the pilot tube is not kinked or corroded. You may also need to check the orifice and adjust it if necessary.

  1. Test the gas valve:

If the gas valve is defective, it may not open even if the thermopile powers it. To test the gas valve, turn off the gas supply, disconnect the thermopile and the pilot tube from the gas valve, and use a multimeter to check the continuity and resistance of the valve. If the gas valve is faulty, you may need to replace it. You may seek help from a qualified plumber to handle it in case you’re not sure how to manage this.

  1. Replace the control board:

It could be that your Honeywell water heater’s pilot light isn’t lighting up due to the faulty control board. The control board is responsible for regulating the temperature and ensuring the water heater operates efficiently. Such a step involves the use of proper tools and meticulous attention to detail, so you do not end up breaking anything mistakenly. Therefore, it’s best that you hire a professional plumber to do this, given you’re not very handy with wires and stuff.

Final Thoughts:

If the above troubleshooting tips do not solve the problem or if you’re not confident enough to deal with the process on your own, you may need to call a professional plumber or HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the water heater. They can also perform routine maintenance, such as flushing the tank, inspecting the anode rod, and checking the pressure relief valve to prevent future problems and extend the lifespan of your Honeywell water heater.